Barack Obama was raised in Hawaii. How bad can that be? As a result, I am sure, he is abled to easily assimilate into different cultures.
I was laughing because somewheres in the internet there is a web page that lists persons of internet born in Hawaii. Barack Obama is the first person list and my name actually appears on that list too.
For that reason, although, I am a values based voter, I could not help but hope that Barack Obama would represent a change in the Democratic party. That he would be the voice that would bring the party back to the center and provide an opening for those who are values based to have a reason for supporting this ticket.
But alas, he succumbed to the democratic machinery that pushes its candidates to the left. That forces them to compromise their spiritual and religious beliefs for fear of loosing the support of the left and the big pockets that include the entertainment community and the special interest groups.
The breakdown of Barack's campaign started at the Saddleback Church. Barack Obama had to convince the values based voter that he was not a rubber stamp of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's outrageous hatred against whites and values centered Christians. I believe he succeeded stating that he accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour and he was baptized with his family.
When asked the question, "Where does conception begin," Barack's answer, "we'll that's above my pay grade," was an answer he had thought about so as not to offend the left wing of his party. If Barack had the courage to be an agent of change, he would have said what he believes regardless of the consequences. That answer effectively ended Barack's influence amongst values based votes, including the Black Christian community.
No matter how it looks, the black Christian community are values based voters when it comes to the moral and religious issues. The black Christian community is another sleeping lion, who are beginning to wake up to the influence they have in their communities and political government.
You see many small businesses that are successful are by the black Christian community leaders. They are not easily influenced because they are believers in Jesus Christ.
I believe Barack Obama is a good man. Although his relatives are Muslim on his father's side, I do believe that Barack is a Christian. He just was in the wrong church and got the wrong slant on Christianity.
By not choosing Hillary as his running mate he essentially allowed those 18,000,000 voters to go with their choice of candidates and perhaps that may be the factor why he is going to lose this race. By chosing Joe Biden, who regardless of whether Biden wins or loses, he is just there to play the game. He cannot be as effective a campaigner as Hillary would have been - as she would have been the first woman to crack the glass ceiling as Michelle Obama so nobly stated in her address to the Democratic convention.
After the election is over, I wouldn't mind if Barack Obama takes a good look and evaluation of who he really is - and make some changes and comes back, stronger and more prepared to take on the highest office in this nation. Maybe as a republican? I would spend campaign money prudently and save a huge chunk for the next campaign. He should make sure his campaign managers do not spend his campaign money like water. Remember that these younger internet savvy managers may be the same ones who borrowed millions of dollars during the craze and spent every single penny - causing their financial fall in the late 1990's.
Also he needs to stop smoking! Not good for the health or his family's health.
Trayvon vs Zimmerman
11 years ago